3 Apr 2017

Dawn Intruder

While cleaning up an old PC I found this story I wrote about an early-morning incident. It deserves to be resurrected:

This morning, just before 6am, I was awakened by a crashing noise in the kitchen upstairs (split level house with bedrooms downstairs). Hubby was in a rare, non-twitching sleep, so I left him and crept upstairs alone. As I reached the top of the stairs I could hear something or someone scuffling around the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and confronted my intruder – who was cunningly masked in a cat biscuit bag!

My Siamese cat Dara had recently been getting into the pantry and ripping open the foil bags of cat biscuits. This time she'd got the bag stuck on her head so it hung down the front like a mask. She was running all over, knocking over vases (which didn’t break) and had somehow knocked my brand new teapot, which I got for Christmas, off the kitchen bench.That was the smashing noise as the spout broke off. It had also landed on the cats' water bowl and smashed some plastic off it.

At this point I was in fits of laughter. Dara and her undignified mask ran off downstairs and I followed and cornered her in the bathroom where for a moment I paused and wondered if I should get the camera. But I thought that would be cruel and pulled the bag off her head, undocumented. She ran off into the garage in deep shame. I went back to bed chuckling away.  I awoke later to discover she had brought us a mouse, as some strange form of apology. It will be interesting to see if Dara has learned her lesson this time!

Update: we moved the cat biscuits and there were no repeat incidents.

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